Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Model Question Papers : Deputy Collector Examination| Geography -00023

1. Which is the longest platform in India?
A. Kolkata B. Mumbai C. Sonepur D. Kharagpur

2. The Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf are connected by the:
A. Palk Strait B. Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb
C. Hormuz Strait D. Strait of Messina

3. Which is the highest building in the world?
A. Empire Building (New York, USA) B. Eiffel Tower (Pairs, France)
C. Sears Tower (Chicago, USA) D. Burj Khalifa (U.A.E)

4. New York is situated on the river:
A. Hudson B. Seine C. Danube D. Thames

5. The brightest planet is:
A. Saturn B. Venus C. Uranus D. Neptune

6. The largest city founded on the river Ravi is:
A. Luncknow B. Baghdad C. Rome D. Lahore

7. Most populous city of the world is:
A. New York B. Paris C. London D. Tokyo

8. The earth’s rotation does not cause:
A. Tides B. Phases of the moon C. Deflection of ocean currents
D. Difference in time between two meridians

9. The difference between Indian Standard Time and Greenwich Mean Time is:
A. 5 1/2 hours B. 4 1/2 hours C. 5 hours D. 6 hours

10. The smallest planet is :
A. Venus B. Pluto C. Uranus D. Mercury

11. In India the Standard Time is fixed on the basis of standard meridian which passes
A. Dwaraka B. Puri C. Kovalam D. Allahabad

12. Biggest planet is:
A. Mercury B. Pluto C. Jupiter D. Venus

13. The planet nearest to Sun is:
A. Venus B. Mars C. Mercury D. Saturn

14. The largest city (population) in India is:
A. Delhi B. Kolkata C. Mumbai D. Chennai

15. The Sun is:
A. A solid body B. A mass of hot-gases
C. Made of rock and metal D. None of these

16. World’s largest producer of Iron Ore is:
A. China B. Russia C. U.K. D. France

17. Which country in the world is having the highest production of wheat?
A. China B. Russia C. Canada D. Australia

18. World’s largest producer of Plastic Goods is:
A. England B. U.S.A C. India D. Pakistan

19. Which country in the world has the largest production of wool?
A. Australia B. New Zealand C. South Africa D. U.S.A.

20. Which is the largest ocean?
A. Atlantic Ocean B. Pacific Ocean C. Indian Ocean D. Arctic Ocean

21. Which is the country in the world having the largest production of coal?
A. U.S.A. B. Canada C. Germany D. Russia

22. Which continent lies to the east of Europe?
A. Africa B. North America C. Asia D. South America

23. The world’s largest desert is:
A. Sahara (North Africa) B. Libyan (North Africa)
C. Gobi (Asia) D. Thar (Rajasthan, India)

24. What is the rank of Africa in size among continents?
A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth

25. Which country is having the largest production of cotton in the world?
A. China B. Russia C. Arab countries D. India

26. World’s biggest museum is situated in:
A. Rome B. Mumbai C. New York D. Singapore

27. The world’s largest continent in area is:
A. Asia B. North America C. Africa D. None of these

28. World’s longest river is in:
A. Asia B. Africa C. Europe D. U.S.A

29. How much time earth take to revolve round the Sun?
A. 365 days B. 365 1/4 days C. 365 1/2 days D. 365 3/4 days

30. The biggest auditorium is in:
A. Brazil B. Atlantic City C. New York D. Japan

31. The highest waterfall is:
A. Kerepakupai Meru B. Ribbon
C. King George D. Jog Falls

32. Which of the following is the smallest country (area-wise) in the world?
A. Monaco B. Vatican City C. Malta D. Nauru

33. On which river is Lucknow situated?
A. Ganga B. Jamuna C. Mahanadi D. Gomti

34. The largest delta is:
A. Himalayas B. Sunderbans C. Amazon D. Everest

35. The change of season is due to:
A. Revolution of the earth round its axis B. Revolution of the earth round the sun
C. Revolution of the moon round the earth D. None of these

36. Central Building Research Institute is located at:
A. Roorkee B. Chennai C. Bhavnagar D. Ranchi

37. When it is nine O’clock in London, it will be the same time in?
A. Norway B. Latvia C. Ghana D. Babon

38. Rainbow, an arch in the sky, usually seen after rain, is the result of:
A. Reflection and refraction B. Refraction of light only
C. Reflection of light only
D. Dispersion, refraction and total internal reflection

39. Which State in India is the biggest in population?
A. Uttar Pradesh B. Madhya Pradesh C. Maharashtra D. None of these

40. Which is the longest railway tunnel in the world?
A. Jawahar (Kashmir, India) B. Simpson (Switzerland)
C. Appenine (Italy) D. Godhard (Switzerland)

41. Moscow is situated on the bank of:
A. Tagus B. Spree C. Tigris D. Moskva

42. Equinox means:
A. The longest day of the year B. The longest night of the year
C. The two periods of the year when day and night are equal
D. The coldest day of the year

43. Which of the following States has the largest proportion of area under forests?
A. Madhya Pradesh B. Karnataka
C. Maharashtra D. None of these

44. In which Indian State is Sandal wood grown?
A. Tamil Nadu B. Maharashtra C. Karnataka D. None of these

45. The Planet that lies nearest to Earth orbit of solar system is:
A. Mars B. Venus C. Mercury D. Neptune

46. Which of the following occur more frequently than the other three in the Indian Ocean?
A. Tornadoes B. Typhoons C. Cyclones D. Hurricanes

47. The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through:
A. West Bengal B. Rajasthan C. Orissa D. Madhya Pradesh

48. The major Rabi crop in India is:
A. Wheat B. Rice C. Cotton D. Jute

49. World’s largest population is in:
A. Australia B. Asia C. North America D. U.S.A.

50. Which country in the world is having the largest production of Aluminium?
A. Australia B. Canada C. France D. U.K.

51. Blue Mountains are:
A. The Himalayas B. Mount Everest C. The Andes D. Nilgiri

52. ‘Brazil’ is famous for:
A. Tea B. Coffee C. Paper D. Gold

53. Gateway of India is in:
A. Delhi B. Mumbai C. Kolkata D. Agra

54. Which is the country in the world having the largest production of Gold?
A. China B. U.S.A C. France D. India

55. City of Seven Hills is:
A. Rome B. New York C. Paris D. England

56. Land of the Midnights Sun is:
A. New York B. Norway C. Korea D. Rome

57. The ‘Ocean of Storms’ is the name given to.
A. Atlantic Ocean B. Pacific Ocean C. A waterless area of moon’s surface D.
None of these

58. Which of the following is known as the morning star?
A. Mars B. Venus C. Jupiter D. None of these

59. An example of a mineral occurring as layers in Sedimentary rocks is:
A. Gold B. Lead C. Lignite D. Tin

60. Which country is called the playground of Europe?
A. France B. England C. Holand D. Switzerland

61. An example of primary occupation is:
A. Trade B. Weaving C. Mining D. Manufacturing

62. Rocks formed by the solidification of Magma are called:
A. Igneous rocks B. Metamorphic rocks C. Sedimentary rocks D. None of these

63. The International Date Line passes through:
A. The Pacific Ocean B. The Indian Ocean
C. Florida Strait D. Bering Strait

64. Rock salt deposits in India are located in:
A. Uttar Pradesh B. Andhra Pradesh
C. Himachal Pradesh D. Arunachal Pradesh

65. The soils formed by deposition of river sediments are called soils:
A. Alluvial B. Regur C. Brown D. Laterite

66. The clouds which are like a dark-grey sheet extending from one side of horizon to other
and have a uniform base are called:
A. Nimbus Clouds B. Stratus Clouds C. Cumulus Clouds D. Cirrus Clouds

67. The visible yellow face of Sun is called:
A. Ionosphere B. Stratosphere C. Corona D. Photosphere

68. An arm-chair shaped hollow which is enlarged and deepened by a glacier is called:
A. Delta B. Piedmont C. Terminal moraine D. None of these

69. The atmosphere layer closest to earth is called:
A. Stratosphere B. Troposphere C. Photosphere D. Exosphere

70. A line drawn on a map joining places receiving equal amount of rainfall is called:
A. Isohyets B. Isotherms C. Isobars D. None of these

71. The Cyclone represents a position of atmosphere in which:
A. Low pressure in the Centre and high pressure around
B. There is high pressure in the Centre and low pressure around
C. There is low pressure all around
D. None of these

72. If there is no Sun, the colour of the sky would be:
A. Blue B. Yellow C. Orange D. None of these

73. The north end of the axis is called:
A. North pole B. South pole C. Grid north D. None of these

74. the largest producer of Mica?
A. Bihar B. West Bengal C. Orissa C. Andhra Pradesh

75. How does the soil moisture help?
A. In chemical and biological changes B. In keeping earth soft
C. In keeping earth particles intact D. None of these

76. The colour of red soil is red because it contains:
A. Nitrogen B. Potash C. Iron D. Humus

77. The horizontal movement of the air is called:
A. Tides B. Cyclone C. Wind D. Typhone

78. Earth completes one rotation on its axis in:
A. 24 hrs B. 23 hrs and 30 minutes
C. 23 hrs and 56 minutes D. None of these

79. Which of these is not a planet of the Sun?
A. Moon B. Neptune C. Mercury D. Venus

80. The Caspian Sea, the largest inland sea or lake in the world, is in the continent of:
A. Africa B. Asia Europe
D. Between Asia and Europe

81. Hot springs of Volcanic origin and actions are known as:
A. Geysers B. Volcanoes C. Glaciers D. None of these

82. On December 22, the Sun is vertical over:
A. Tropic of Cancer B. Tropic of Capricorn
C. The Equator D. None of these

83. Marble is:
A. Igneous rock B. Sedimentary rock C. Metamorphic rock D. None of these

84. The diameter of the earth is:
A. 6,400 km B. 12,756 km C. 25,000 km D. 40,000 km
85. A stretch of land surrounded by water on three sides is known as:
A. Strait B. Delta C. Peninsula D. None of these

86. A strata of land surrounded by water on all sides is known as a/an:
A. Strait B. Continent C. Island D. Peninsula

87. A huge mass of ice and snow moving down the valley and slopes of mountains till it
melts after passing the snow line is called a/an:
A. Avalanche B. Iceberg C. Glacier D. Typhoon

88. The 66½° north circle is also known as:
A. Tropic of Cancer B. Tropic of Capricorn
C. Zenith D. Arctic circle

89. Humidity refers to:
A. Latent heat B. Brackishness of water
C. Water vapours in air D. Hydroscopic nuclei in the atmosphere

90. ...... is used to keep the correct Greenwich Mean Time:
A. Barometer B. Chronometer
C. Clinometer D. Bruntun’s Compass

91. most commonly found in the earth’s crust:
A. Oxygen B. Silicon C. Hydrogen D. Aluminium

92. Earthquake waves are recorded on a:
A. Barograph B. Hydrograph C. Seismograph D. Pantograph

93. Monsoon climate is caused by:
A. High temperature B. Low temperature
C. Temperature variations D. Seasonal reversal of winds

94. The small bodies between the orbits of Mars and Juptier are:
A. Asteroids B. Superior planets C. Satellites D. Comets

95. The atmospheric layer which reflects radio waves is called:
A. Exosphere B. Stratosphere C. Troposphere D. Ionosphere

96. The place of origin of earthquake is called:
A. Epicentre B. Focus C. Seismic Zone D. None of these

97. India receives most of her rains from:
A. The North-east monsoon B. The retreating South-west monsoon
C. The South-west monsoon D. Tropical cyclones

98. The distance between the Earth and the Sun is greatest during:
A. Winter Solstice B. Summer Solstice C. Perihelion D. Aphelion

99. Condensation occurs:
A. When the air is saturated B. When the moisture content is high
C. When the air is cold D. None of these

100. Humidity in the air is measured by a/an.
A. Hydrometer B. Hygrometer C. Opisometer D. Barometer

1. D 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. D 11. D 12. C 13. C 14. C 15. B 16. A 17. A 18. A 19. A 20. B 21. A 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. B 30. B 31. A 32. B 33. D 34. B 35. B 36. A 37. C 38. D 39. A 40. D 41. D 42. C 43. A 44. C 45. A 46. C 47. C 48. A 49. B 50. A 51. D 52. B 53. B 54. A 55. A 56. B 57. C 58. B 59. C 60. D 61. C 62. A 63. D 64. C 65. A 66. A 67. D 68. C 69. B 70. A 71. A 72. D 73. A 74. A 75. A 76. C 77. C 78. C 79. A 80. D 81. A 82. B 83. C 84. B 85. C 86. C 87. C 88. D 89. C 90. B 91. A 92. C 93. D 94. A 95. D 96. A 97. C 98. D 99. C 100. B

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