Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Model Question Papers : Deputy Collector Examination | General English -0024


Rewrite as directed:
1. The idiom “Smell a rat” means:
(A) have feeling that everything is smelling like a decaying rat.
(B) Having a feeling that something wrong is happening.
(C) Having a feeling that nothing wrong is happening. (D) none of these

2. Choose the wrongly spelt word:
(A) annihilate (B) anomalous (C) deprecate (D) eupheimism

3. He said to Ahmed, “I’ll be late”. (Change to indirect)
(A) She said to Ahmed that I’ll be late. (B) She told Ahmed that she will be late.
(C) She told Ahmed that she’d be late. (D) She told Ahmed that she could be late.

4. Jayan said nothing. (Choose the question)
(A) What did Jayan say? (B) What does Jayan say? (C) What Jayan say? (D) What has Jayan said?

Fill up the blanks with suitable words:
5. I ————— waiting for his reply for two weeks now.
(A) am (B) have been (C) was (D) had been

6. A book fell ————— the shelf.
(A) off (B) down (C) onto (D) along

7. I saw a ————— of ants.
(A) swam (B) litter (C) team (D) colony

8. Don’t park your car ———— the gate.
(A) in between (B) at front of (C) in front of (D) in the middle of

9. Sheela swam ————— the river.
(A) on top of (B) beneath (C) across (D) over

10. Kindly allow me to say ———— words.
(A) a few (B) the few (C) few (D) any few

11. ——— enough food for all?
(A) Are there (B) Is there (C) Where there (D)Were there

12. It has been raining ———— breakfast.
(A) for (B) for a while (C) since (D) afterwards

13. Ten kilograms of rice ——————— over two hundred rupees.
(A) cost (B) coast (C) coasts (D) costs

14. ———— your head in the pillow when you sleep.
(A) Laid (B) Lied (C) Lay (D) Lie

15. Now every student —————— to be a doctor or an engineer.
(A) wanting (B) waiting (C) had wanted (D) wants

16. ——————- the rise of prices, the market place is crowded.
(A) As a result of (B) Owing to (C) Due to (D) Despite

17. A bad workman blames his —————— .
(A) stars (B) tools (C) master (D) wife

18. No man is an island entire of —————.
(A) himself (B) itself (C) herself (D) themselves

19. All these exhibits are ————— sale.
(A) to (B) for (C) on (D) at

20. Do you like ——————?
(A) to drive (B) driving (C) drive (D) a drive

21. My aunt has lived in Australia ————— ten years.
(A) since (B) for (C) ever since (D) upto

22. A habit —————.
(A) develops (B) occurs (C) comes up (D) forms

23. ‘At loggerheads’ approximately means:
(A) in harmony (B) in anger (C) in dispute (D) in mirth

24. ‘To beat the air’ approximately means:
(A) to make efforts in vain (B) to be successful (C) to trouble others (D) to make mistakes

25. ‘Horse’ is related to hay in the same way as ‘cow’ is related to —————.
(A) milk (B) fodder (C) leaves (D) straw

26. ‘Wince’ is related to pain in the same way as ‘prostration’ is related to ————.
(A) discomfort (B) frustration (C) submissiveness (D) happiness

27. ———— it was not raining, we did not play football.
(A) Because of (B) Since (C) Though (D) For

28. “The Old Testament” tells of the ———— the Jews made with God.
(A) covenant (B) covennant (C) covenent (D) covanant

29. The play was so ———— that the audience laughed all through it.
(A) ludicrous (B) ludicroose (C) ludicruous (D) ludecrous

30. The past participle of ‘rise’ is —————.
(A) rise (B) risen (C) rose (D) rised

31. I wouldn’t jump off that rock ————.
(A) if I am you. (B) if I had been you. (C) if I were you. (D) If I would have been you.
Find out the error

32. (A) His handicap can be attributed / (B) to the fact that he was born / (C) by an undernourished
mother. / (D) no error

33. (A) The faster he completes the work given to him / (B) the largest / (C) will be his profit. / (D) no error
34. (A) He confidently asked the crowd if they thought that / (B) he was right / (C) and the crowd shouted
that they do. / (D) no error

35. (A) If I would have realized what a bad driver you were / (B) I would not have / (C) come with you. / (D)
no error

36. (A) The majority of the woman teachers are persuading / (B) the principal to consider / (C) their
demands. (D) no error

37. (A) I have been teaching in this school since several years / (B) but have never met / (C) such a
hopeless class as this. / (D) no error

38. (A) When he went out he left the radio on / (B) so that his parents shall think / (C) that he was still in
the house. / (D) no error

39. (A) Page after page of the Gita were read / (B) and it gave great consolation / (C) to his troubled mind.
/ (D) no error

40. (A) More than one person / (B) have written the answer / (C) correctly. / (D) no error

1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. C 13. D 14. C 15. D 16. D 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. B 21. B 22. D 23. C 24. A 25. B 26. A 27. C 28. A 29. A 30. B 31. C 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. A 36. A 37. A 38. B 39. A 40. B

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