Wednesday, February 23, 2011

GK Questions|USA|American History

1.  Who drafted the Declaration of American Independence?
A.  Thomas Jefferson
2.  Who led a nonviolent movement in America for full civil rights for negros?
A.  Martin Luther King
3.  What were the first battles of the American Revolution?
A.  Lexington and Concord.
4.  What was one of the battles that was counted as the turning point of the American Revolution?
A.  Saratoga.
5.  Who was the man in the legend that rode on his horse yelling,"The British are coming!"?
A.  Paul Revere.
6.  What was the battle in which the colonists made a surprise attack at Christmas? (This was also counted as another turning point, and it is not Saratoga.)
A.  Trenton.
7.  What was the battle that was lost by the colonists? The colonists dug a fort on another hill, but the battle was called this.
A.  Bunker Hill.
8.  What was the last major battle of the American Revolution?
A.  Yorktown.
9.  What song did the colonies adopt as a song to sing while marching?
A.  Yankee Doodle.
10.  What was the peace treaty that ended the war?
A.  Treaty of Paris, 1783.
11.  What do Americans celebrate on July 4th?
A.  Independence Day.
12.  In which year was the independence from England declared?
A.  1776.
13.  What ancient African country did the Greeks name for the "sunburnt faces" of its natives.
A.  Ethiopia.
14.  What city's streets and sidewalks received 175 tons of daily et excrement deposits before a "Pooper scooper" law passed in 1978?
A.  New York City's.

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