Thursday, January 13, 2011

Kerala PSC Miscellaneous Questions for Stenographer Post

1. Give the names of :
A. The founder of Chemistry
B. The physicist who discovered Nucleus
C. The scientist who fund out the presence of carbon dioxide in air
D. Inventor of Mercury Barometer                                      
                                                                                                            (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

Ans :
A. Robert Boyle                 B. Ernest Rutherford C. Joseph Black
D. Alexandro Volta                E. Evangelista Torricelli (Italy)

2. State whether the following statements are True or False.
A. Most materials, even metals, are elastic.
B. Sodium is a highly reactive silvery grey metal
C. It is always safe to store vinegar in metal bottles.
D. At the beginning of sentences use figures for all numbers that begin sentences.
                                                                                                            (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

Ans : A. True       B. False(yellow)         C. False         D. True           E. False

3. Fill up the blanks:
A. The only shape that does not twist and collapse under pressure is ____
B. An ___ telegram is one written in language whose meaning is apparent to all.
C. A pyrometer is used to measure_____
D. The fourth state of matter is called ______
E. ____ is an are of low pressure where the trade winds meet
                                                                                                            (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

Ans : A. Spherical                       B. English                   C. Very high temperature
D. Plasma                              E. Doldrums  

4. Expand the following:
A. POW          B. CAD           C. ICAR          D. COFEPOSA         E. LASER
                                                                                                            (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

Ans :
A. POW – Prisoner of War                      B. CAD – Computer Aided Design
C. ICAR – Indian Council for Agricultural Research
D. COFEPOSA – Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Act
E. LASER – Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

5. Name the authors of:
A. Mankind and Mother Earth                      B. Moby Dick            
C. Life Divine                                                 D. Crossing the Threshold of Hope
E. Far from the Madding Crowd
                                                                                                            (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

Ans :
A. Mankind and Mother Earth      - Arnold Toynbee      
B. Moby Dick             - Herman Melville
C. Life Divine             - Aurobindo Ghosh                                       
D. Crossing the Threshold of Hope            - John Paul II
E. Far from the Madding Crowd      - Thomas Hardy

6. Answer the following :
A. In which game is the play started by a bully?
B. What is a clean and jerk?
C. How long is a marathon?
D. What is the real name of Pele, the Brazilian footballer?
E. What are the five events in the women’s pentathlon?
                                                                                                            (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

Ans :
A. Hockey                         
B. Weightlifting         
C. 26 miles 365 yards
D. Edson Arantes do Nascimento
E. Shooting, Fencing, Swimming, Horseback, riding and running (2000 meters) are the 5 items of women’s modern pentathlon

7. What are the following persons famous for?
A. Chaplin, Sir Charles Spencer
B. Chengannur Raman Pillai Known as Guru Chengannur
C. Mani Madhava Chakyar
D. Mrinalini Sarabhai                                    E. Purandaradasan
                                                                                                            (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

Ans :
A. Great British Film Actor                      
B. Kathakali              
C. Koothu
D. Bharatnatyam                                          
E. Karnatic Music

8. Answer the following / explain the following.
A. What is absolute Zero?
B. What are alveoli?                         C. What is “Big Bang”?
D. What is CFC?                                          E. What is ‘decibel’?
                                                                                                            (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

Ans :
A. -273.160 C or Zero Kelvin      
B. It is a part of the lung where the transfusion of Carbon dioxide and Oxygen takes place in the blood
C. It is a theory relating to the formation of University by a big blast.
D. Chloro Fluro Carbon, chemical compounds responsible for depletion of zone layer.
E. Unit of the intensity of sound.

9. Give the correct spelling of the following :
A. Bankruptcy :           Bankrupcy                 Bankruptacy               Bankreptcy
B. Gramaphone         Gramophone             Grammaphone          Gramaphon
C. Mischievious         Mischievus                 Mischivous                 Mischievous
D. Amateur                Amature                     Ameteur                     Amatur
E. Contency               Contenperory Contemporary           Contemporey
                                                                                                            (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

Ans :
A. Bankruptcy                    B. Gramophone         C. Mischievous         
D. Amateur                            E. Contemporary

10. A. ____ anemometer is ____ instrument for measuring ____ wind speed ___ first anemometer had ___ bail that was blown up ____ curved scale (Fill up the blanks supplying attitude articles, wherever necessary).
B. We were nearing some waterfall. It was evident from the distant roar of water (Combine the sentences in to one complex sentence containing a noun clause)
C. Your conduct is very peculiar. I am unable to under stand it. It has been described to me (Combine the sentences in to one complex sentence)
D. he answered slowly, “Alas ! my dear son, why do you Ask the one thing I cannot grant you ? Your hands are too weak to rein those fiery beasts ; you do not know the path. Come, ask something else, anything but chat “ (Report in indirect speech).
E. The public will learn with astonishment that war is imminent (Change the voice of the sentence)
                                                                                                            (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

Ans :
A. an anemometer is  an instrument for measuring  the wind speed. The first anemometer had a bail that was blown up the curved scale.
B. It was evident from the distant roar of the water that we were nearing some waterfall.
C. I am unable to understand your peculiar conduct that has been described to me.
D. He asked sadly to his son why he asked the one thing he could not grand him. He also said that his son’s hands were too weak to rein those fiery bests and he did not know the path. He requested his son to come and ask something else except the previous one.
E. It will be learned with astonishment that war is imminent.

11. Choose the correct alternatives from those given in brackets:
A. Here are your shoes ; I ___ them (just clean , just cleaned, have just cleaned) 
B. Every day last week my aunt ____ a plate (breaks ; broke ; was breaking)
C. On of the arguments he offered ____ especially convincing (seem ; seems)
D. He conversed ____ us ____ subjects ____ varied interests(Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions)
E. ___ the heard this, Wellington ___ was in command of the British, decided ___ the whole line should advance (Complete the sentence supplying appropriate connecting words)
                                                                                                            (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

Ans :
A. have just cleaned       B. was breaking        C. seems
D. with, on. of             D. when, who, that

12. Write the antonyms of :
A. Economical                       B. Genuine                 C. Benevolence
D. Standard                           E. Diligent

Ans :
A. Dearly                          B. Spurious                C. Malevolen
D. Misfit                                  E. Slothful

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